"Shino-Bue" is a flute-family
aerophone. As it's made of "Shino" Bamboo, it's called
"Shino-Bue"(Bue means a flute in Japanese).
"Shine" Bamboo is cut, then drilled seven holes and
a mouth-hole. Its structure is so simple that everyone can make
it easily. We usually use 10 kinds of Shino-Bues (each one has
different length), in order to play in several keys.
It is as if a player of authentic French horn which doesn't have
valves (or of clarinet in general stuation), changes a main tube
of the instrument or instrument itself depending on the key of
the music, Shinobue player are also used to change his/her instruments
if there is enough time in the music.
Following figures(staffs) note the name and tone-ranges of each
Shino-Bue's. We often note in staff with "8" figure
on G-clef, or treat as the staff for piccolo (sounding pitch is
octave higher than noted).
In following figures(staffs), "black-notes" is difficult
to play. We recommend that "black-notes" tones are not
used. We play "half-tones" which is not noted in following
staff, with a finger on the half of a hole. So, It is difficult
to play fast phrase with many "half-tones".
3-bon (in G)

4-Hon (in A-flat)

5-Hon (in A)

6-Hon(in B-flat)

7-Hon (in B)

8-Hon (in C)

9-Hon (in D-flat)

10-Hon (in D)

11-Hon (in E-flat)

12-Hon (in E)